
study abroad

Australian Federal Government Inquiry backs ACICIS

On 23 June 2003 the head of ACICIS, Professor David Hill, gave evidence before the Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade of the Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia. They were inquiring into Australia's relationship with Indonesia. They released their report in May 2004.

Reflections on Local Schooling for Children

By Kerry James (Semester 14/Feb 2002) Flinders University of South Australia Both my daughters (one in year 1 and one in year 3) began attending Sekolah Dasar (SD) Percobaan in 2002 without any background in the Indonesian language. Now both are able to communicate with their peers in basic Bahasa [...]

August 30th, 2002|Categories: Semester Testimonials|Tags: , , , , , , |

ACICIS Gives You the Edge

By Aaron Fowler (Semester 10/Feb 2000) Curtin University of Technology My name is Aaron and I had the pleasure of participating in the ACICIS program in Semester 10, 2000. At the time I was studying a double degree program in Accounting and Indonesian Language. By participating in the ACICIS program [...]

January 22nd, 2001|Categories: Semester Testimonials|Tags: , , , , , |

Hints on Immersion at UGM

By Nicky Colbran (Semester 9/Aug 1999) Australian National University Walking into a classroom full of Indonesians by yourself can sometimes be a bit intimidating. Try to resist the temptation of either sitting by yourself or running to the back of the classroom or sitting with the other bule in your class. [...]

Comparisons and Contrasts

By Heather Stewart-Johnson (Semester 9/Aug 1999)
Murdoch University

Indonesia! Where else would you find so much diversity in one country? The first of my experiences with Indonesia was on the island of Roti, a tiny rain-shadow island to the west of Timor.

November 29th, 1999|Categories: Semester Testimonials|Tags: , , , , , , |

Career Women in Indonesia

by Xylia Ingham (Semester 8/Feb 1999) University of Technology, Sydney Indonesian society is experiencing many changes. These changes are in many ways related to the pressures of globalisation. Globalisation in one sense means an increased reliance by states on the integrating world economy. Individual states can no longer rely on [...]

August 4th, 1999|Categories: Semester Testimonials|Tags: , , , , , , |

Re-entry Culture Shock

By Maree Peters (Semester 7/Aug 1998)
Sunshine Coast University
Originally published in Amida Magazine

My six months in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, with the ACICIS program was one of the greatest experiences of my life!

December 19th, 1998|Categories: Semester Testimonials|Tags: , , , , , |

A Career in Indonesia

By Gary Dean (Semester 4/Feb 1997)
Murdoch University

In March 2013, past ACICIS student, Gary Dean was interviewed by Jakarta Expat. Below is an excerpt from the interview. Read the full interview here.

August 28th, 1997|Categories: Semester Testimonials|Tags: , , , , , , |

Awas Copet!

By Hollie Gilbert (Semester 4/Feb 1997) Monash University Here are a few things to watch out for when travelling on the city buses around Yogya. Once you know how the pickpockets operate, you'll have a much better chance of hanging onto your money. The following information may vary from copet [...]