

Practicum Dates

2025 In-Country Summer Program Applications close: 11 August 2024 Outcomes of Applications: Within one month of the closing date Arrival Date: No earlier than 30 December 2024 . No later than 1 January 2025. Orientation: 2-3 January 2025 Language Classes and Seminar Series: 6 - 17 January 2025 Professional Placements: 20 [...]

January 13th, 2015|Categories: Uncategorised|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |

Practicum Programs

Click the images below to go to each program page. Professional Practica Tours and Intensives [...]

January 13th, 2015|Categories: Uncategorised|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |

2015 Practicum Program Summary

In January 2015 ACICIS welcomed 73 students from sixteen Australian/NZ universities to participate in the three ACICIS Practicum Programs.

Journalism Professional Practicum (JPP)

The JPP is a six-week internship program conducted in Jakarta, Indonesia. The program runs from early January to mid-February. It is open to students of journalism, media and communications studies, and cadet journalists. The program is designed to provide participants, who may not necessarily have Indonesian-language skills or experience in Indonesia, with the opportunity to live and work in the dynamic media scene of Jakarta.

November 11th, 2014|Categories: Uncategorised|Tags: , , , , , , , |

ACICIS Study Indonesia Programs

Short Term Programs Practicum Programs Intensives Semester Programs [...]

Jaywalking through Jakarta

By Madura McCormack, JPP 2014
Murdoch University

About two minutes after exiting Soekarno-Hatta Airport, you’ll notice that Indonesia has about zero traffic regulations. There are times where I’ve lost track which direction the vehicles were supposed to be going in the first place.

My Career in Indonesia

By Michelle Kovacevic, JPP 2011
University of Melbourne

“How did someone with a background in neuroscience end up working at a forestry institute in Indonesia?”

My JPP Experience

By Tania Butterfield, JPP 2010 AsiaNZ Foundation Indonesia is rarely reported in the news here in New Zealand and so when I applied for the AsiaNZ scholarship to take part in the Australian Consortium for 'In-Country' Indonesian Studies Journalism Professional Practicum [ACICIS JPP] I knew it would be the experience [...]

Lessons from Globe Asia

By Virginia Tapp, JPP 2010
University of Queensland

When in doubt, don't waste time googling something that the person next to you can easily explain. At GA everyone is willing to help with contacts, information or general knowledge.

Inside Indonesia

By Virginia Tapp, JPP 2010 University of Queensland You've all seen the newspaper headlines, the aftermath of the terrorist bombings and the DFAT travel warnings. So much, in fact, that the word Indonesia has gained the power to strike fear into the heart of many westerners. I know because I [...]