

Lebaran in Yogya

By Anne Dickson (Semester 23/Aug 2006)
University of New South Wales

Approaching the end of the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan, the whole of Indonesia was on the move. People travelled home to celebrate Idul Fitri/Lebaran - the "Ramadan-is-over" festival.

September 30th, 2006|Categories: Semester Testimonials|Tags: , , , , , , |

Visiting Mount Bromo

By Esther Sainsbury (Semester 22/Feb 2006 & Semester 23/Aug 2006) The Australian National University After moving to Malang for second semester to begin the research component of my year in Indonesia, I thought I would write a review of one of the most beautiful attractions in the surrounding area: Mt [...]

September 10th, 2006|Categories: Semester Testimonials|Tags: , , , , , , |

Semester vs Short Course

By Ben Davis (Semester 22/Feb 2006) University of Sydney Having experienced both the ACICIS program (at UGM in Yogya) and a privately-organised short-course to Padang, Sumatera, I can offer some pretty good tips to students planning on taking the plunge into Indonesian exchange. Although both experiences were fantastic, I have [...]

July 2nd, 2006|Categories: Semester Testimonials|Tags: , , , , , |

Yogyakarta – Seven Years On

By Catherine Mills (Semester 8/Feb 1999 & Semester 22/Feb 2006)
Curtin University/Private Participant

After having conducted her honours research while in Yogya with ACICIS in 1999, Catherine decided to do another semester of in-country study again in 2006 and attended classes at UGM.

Two months in Yogya

By Saarah Jappie (Semester 21/Aug 2005) University of New South Wales As weird as it is, we've been away from home for over two months now. On the one hand I can believe it because this journey I'm on here has taken me to so many places and put me [...]

October 1st, 2005|Categories: Semester Testimonials|Tags: , , , , , , |

Well worth the nerves

By Martin Newkirk (Semester 20/Feb 2005) Flinders University I was deeply unsettled on my way to the airport. 'Butterflies' is not the right word, it’s far too cute, I was terrified. My friend was giving me a lift, I wouldn’t see her for 6 months but I could hardly speak [...]

July 14th, 2005|Categories: Semester Testimonials|Tags: , , , , , |

An American in Yogya

By Allison Zelkowitz (Semester 20/Feb 2005) University of California, San Diego Hello! My name is Allison Zelkowitz, and as far as I know, I'm the first American to participate in the ACICIS program. I recently completed a Master's degree at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD), where I majored [...]

Daily life in Java

By Dave Hodgkin (Semester 19/Aug 2004) Australian National University My life has had its share of adventures this year, in reality though most of anyone's time is the day-to-day of living. "Life is what happens between the things we do". Not sure this will pass the Benny test, but then [...]

My first week in Yogya

By Zahra Matthews (Semester 19/Aug 2004) University of Sydney Well, here I am again in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, and it's absolutely wonderful! To answer the question most of you seemed to be asking- yes, I have found a place to live, and no, it's not exactly what you'd call 'good'! But [...]

Yogya Bookshops

By Jordan Newton (Semester 17/Aug 2003 & Semester 18/Feb 2004) University of New South Wales Why read books in Yogya when you've got mountains to climb, temples to see and some kind of nightlife to attend to? Well I'm not saying those things are nothing when it comes to reading [...]