

My Career in Indonesia

By Michelle Kovacevic, JPP 2011
University of Melbourne

“How did someone with a background in neuroscience end up working at a forestry institute in Indonesia?”

Pasar Tradisional

By Melissa O'Grady, DSPP 2011
Flinders University

This morning I was fortunate enough to have been afforded the opportunity to visit Maumere’s (Flores) traditional market to observe the local sellers trade their goods for the day.

Daily routine on the Islamic Studies Program

By Che Che (Semester 31/Aug 2010) Charles Darwin University/University of the Sunshine Coast My daily routine began with a lovely little breakfast at the local warung where the boys would tease me and try to talk to me in Javanese and trick me into paying a lot more for my [...]

DSIP Testimony

By Nikkola Pickering (Semester 31/Aug 2010)
Murdoch University

“The last week and a half has been an immense learning experience for us. We have been welcomed into our sub-units and dusun (hamlet) very well, and feel happy in our surroundings."

November 28th, 2010|Categories: Semester Testimonials|Tags: , , , , , |

Sending excess luggage home

By Lisa Mapson (Semester 29/Aug 2009 & Semester 30/Feb 2010)
University of Melbourne

I write this having yesterday experienced one of my worst ‘Indonesian days’ as I saw a fellow anak ACICIS, along with whom I had just completed my Malang semester, off from Surabaya airport.

August 4th, 2010|Categories: Semester Testimonials|Tags: , , , , , |

Malang at 6am

By Brooke Nolan (Semester 30/Feb 2010) University of Western Australia ‘Like a fried banana?’ said Yonky, grinning. No, I wasn’t in a warung or a pasar or the local banci-run hairdressing salon. It was 6am and my tennis lesson was about to start. Yonky, my coach, must have gathered from [...]

April 24th, 2010|Categories: Semester Testimonials|Tags: , , , |

My JPP Experience

By Tania Butterfield, JPP 2010 AsiaNZ Foundation Indonesia is rarely reported in the news here in New Zealand and so when I applied for the AsiaNZ scholarship to take part in the Australian Consortium for 'In-Country' Indonesian Studies Journalism Professional Practicum [ACICIS JPP] I knew it would be the experience [...]

Lessons from Globe Asia

By Virginia Tapp, JPP 2010
University of Queensland

When in doubt, don't waste time googling something that the person next to you can easily explain. At GA everyone is willing to help with contacts, information or general knowledge.

Inside Indonesia

By Virginia Tapp, JPP 2010 University of Queensland You've all seen the newspaper headlines, the aftermath of the terrorist bombings and the DFAT travel warnings. So much, in fact, that the word Indonesia has gained the power to strike fear into the heart of many westerners. I know because I [...]

Here come the rains!

By Lauren Russell (Semester 29/Aug 2009) University of Sydney The wet season in Indonesia has begun in force! At the moment the rain is falling so hard on my noisy roof that it is impossible to sleep. The rain seems to fall with such force here. Like the raindrops are [...]