New Colombo Plan - Connect to Australia’s future - study in the region.

Creative Arts and Design Professional Practicum

Rachel Huang was a participant of the Creative Arts and Design Professional Practicum, in 2023. Rachel is studying Bachelor of Design (Animation and Interactive Media) at RMIT University. Rachel received a $3,000 New Colombo Plan Mobility Grant to support her participation in this program.

Q: Why did you decide to undertake the ACICIS internship program?

I had trouble finding animation internships in Melbourne, and when I received the email for ACICIS CADPP it seemed like a unique opportunity.

Q: Did you receive a New Colombo Plan Mobility Grant? Do you think the NCP is an important initiative? If yes, why? The NCP is a signature initiative of the Australian Government which aims to lift knowledge of the Indo-Pacific in Australia by supporting Australian undergraduates on experiences such as the Professional Practica.

Yes – I received the $3000 NCP grant. It was essential in providing the financial support to study overseas, otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to come on this program. It helped me to immerse myself in another country and give a real life cross-cultural experience that I definitely wouldn’t receive at home.

Q: Where did you live in Indonesia (Kos, homestay, hotel, rental etc.)? Any tips for prospective students on finding accommodation?

I lived at Apartment Casablanca East Residence (found through Airbnb). I would suggest students to find it as early as possible. During the first two weeks, people seemed very stressed about finding accomodation. I booked mine before the trip, and it was affordable + in a good location (shops, placement nearby etc.). Or, you can wait until you meet people in the same location as you and find a cheap kos, as most of them don’t have websites!

 Q: How have you found the academic components of this program – i.e. the language classes/seminars?

The language classes were at a good level for beginners – even those who have never studied before. Everyone had amazing teachers, including mine who made our classes just as fun as they were informative with the games, exercises and activities. Our CADPP seminars were extremely in depth and diverse. We learned about how creative arts and design is used in different areas such as graphic design, video games, development, tech startup and more. I left the program knowing so much more about the Indonesian creative industry!

Q: What organisation are you interning with? (Explain your role and responsibilities)

I interned with Lanting animation studio in East Jakarta. I mainly worked on independent creative projects with supervision from my mentor and some studio projects – creating character designs, promotional materials etc.

Q: How have you found the work culture of your host organisation? How is it different to work experience in Australia?

Lanting is a smaller, independent collective or studio. I’ve mainly worked in similar environments in Australia as well, so I think there are more similarities. I could ask for feedback and collaborate directly with other artists. I appreciate the smaller, closer atmosphere.

Q: What are the main skills you have learnt during your internship?

I learned time management and focus is important, as I had one month there and the amount of people in the studio is small. Also taking initiative for sharing many ideas and asking about projects you can contribute to helps you become closer with others and more creative – instead of hiding your work out of shyness.

Q: What did you find to be the most rewarding part of this experience?

I got along very well with the other artists and interns – having the smaller studio size meant I could have a lot of time to discuss topics, ask questions and share things about the animation industry or personal work.

Q. Were you able to learn about the Indonesian culture from this program? If yes, how was this achieved?

I discussed lots about the Indonesian animation industry with my mentors. This included some benefits – such as Lanting’s rarer specialisation in stop motion and traditional animation, or the negatives – less appreciation of or lower mental health awareness in the Indonesian animation industry.

Q. How will the internship benefit or influence your future career?

This internship helped me understand what future working environment and projects will suit me. Also learning about how Lanting can thrive and adapt as a smaller collective inspired me to do something similar in the future.

Q. Would you recommend this program to your friends?

I would definitely recommend the CADPP program to anyone who loves to learn in a cross-cultural, hands
on context.