New Colombo Plan - Connect to Australia’s future - study in the region.

Indonesian Language Short Course

Hannah Dalwood is a student from Monash University. Hannah undertook the Indonesian Language Short Course at Satya Wacana University in Salatiga with the assistance of a $3,000 New Colombo Plan Mobility Grant in 2024. Hannah is studying Bachelor of Global Studies.


Q: Why did you decide to undertake ILSC?

I decided to undertake the ILSC to improve my Bahasa skills, become more confident in speaking and gain in-country experience. Studying Indonesian in high school and university has given me with a good foundational understanding of the language, but the ILSC experience provides a wonderful opportunity to fully immerse yourself in the language, culture and environment.

Q: Did you receive a New Colombo Plan Mobility Grant? If yes, why do you think the NCP is an important initiative?

Yes, I received a New Colombo Plan Mobility Grant. I think this is a very important initiative as it supports and enables young people to get out of the classroom and embrace in-country language learning. It also encourages Australian students, whether they have studied Indonesian or not, to connect and learn from our closest neighbours. I hope this initiative continues to help foster lasting connections between Australia and Indonesia.

Q: What did you find to be the most rewarding part of this in-country experience?

The most rewarding part of this in-country experience is seeing yourself improve and gain confidence with every class and each new encounter. Everyone you speak to, whether it be Grab or Gojek drivers, restaurants or cafe owners or at the market, takes the time to chat and it is incredibly rewarding to effectively communicate in another language (even if you feel like you are fumbling!)

Q: What do you find to be the most challenging about the ILSC?

The most challenging part of the ILSC has been the intensity of the course. As a three-week program, the teachers move through lots of content very quickly. It is very rewarding and the fast pace makes everyday different and interesting, but it is normal to feel a bit exhausted! Also the difference in food, culture and routines can be a shock to begin with but it is amazing how quickly we adapt, establish a new home and create new routines while abroad.

Q: Have you had previous experience learning Indonesian in Australia? If yes, how different was the in-country ILSC to your previous experiences?

Yes, I studied Indonesian at high school and university. The experience has been different as the language learning does not stop once you leave the classroom. Everything you do challenges you to practice your Bahasa, formally in the classroom and informally while out and about in Salatiga. This has been the most rewarding aspect of the course as I have progressed much faster and further, compared
to my previous Indonesian learning experience in Australia.

Q: Were you able to learn about the Indonesian culture from this in-country program? If yes, how was this achieved?

The ILSC is structured well to incorporate many aspects of Indonesian culture. In conjunction with adjusting to the food, life and cultural norms of Salatiga, we completed formal culture-sharing classes as part of the course. I enjoyed learning about wedding ceremonies in Indonesia, visiting a school, traditional jamu shop and speaking with LTC friends.

Q: What have you enjoyed most about the course?

I have really enjoyed staying in Salatiga. It is a beautiful, quiet, clean, safe and slightly cooler city situated against a stunning mountainous backdrop. There is so much to do, eat and explore nearby! I also really enjoyed the content, making new friends, learning and living amongst such rich and diverse culture.

Q: How will your proficiency in Indonesian Language gained through the ILSC influence your future career or study?

As one of the fastest growing economies in the world , I have no doubt my Indonesian language skills will influence my future career in the law in some way!

Q: Would you recommend this program to your friends?

Yes! It is a unique experience I would recommend to friends who want to get out of their comfort zone!

Q: Describe your experience of the in-country ILSC in three words!

Colourful, immersive and challenging!

Q: What is your favourite Indonesian phrase?
