Agriculture Professional Practicum

Yingxuan Li was a participant in the pilot iteration of the Agriculture Professional Practicum, in 2019. Yingxuan is a Master of Environmental Management student from The University of Queensland.

Q: Why did you decide to undertake ACICIS’ Agriculture Professional Practicum?

The reputation of ACICIS is certainly a factor. I went to the Study Aboard Fair at UQ learned a lot about ACICIS’ programs. The students who went to the program talked about how amazing Indonesia and the programs are. I felt lucky when I saw the Agricultural Professional Practicum, because agriculture is closely related to my major. Therefore, I applied right away.

Q: How will the Agriculture Professional Practicum benefit or influence your future career?

For the professional practicum, I was lucky enough to work with WRI Indonesia. I was assigned a project that allowed me to put the knowledge I’ve learned a University into practice and develop my skills further. Since I am majoring in Environmental Management, WRI is actually one of the organisations that I want to work for in the future. Having work experience in a place like WRI would be good on my CV as well. Therefore, it fits with my career aims perfectly.

 Q: Which organisation did you intern with? What were your roles and responsibilities?

My internship was with WRI Indonesia. I was assigned a project about the climate change impact on coffee plantations in South Sumatra. I also went on a field trip to South Sumatra to communicate with local officials and coffee farmers for a better understanding of the issue. At the end of the internship, I gave a presentation about the topic.

Q: How have you found the work culture of your host organisation? How is it different to work experience in Australia?

People at WRI Indonesia were friendly and willing to help. There are also many workshops about different environmental topics which were interesting to attend.

Q: Would you like to return to work in Indonesia again in future?

Going back to Indonesia for work would be a possible option for me.

Q: What do you like to do in your spare time in Indonesia?

Travelling, hiking, and diving.

Q: Favourite place to eat and favourite Indonesian food?

Street foods. I also love the fresh fruits and smoothies.

Q. What places in Indonesia have you visited during your practicum so far?

Bogor, Jakarta, Pulau Seribu, South Sumatra.