New Colombo Plan - Connect to Australia’s future - study in the region.

Virtual Law Professional Practicum

Dan Hua (Flora) Wu was a participant in the 2022 Virtual Law Professional Practicum. Dan Hua is studying a Bachelor of Law/Arts at University of New South Wales. Dan Hua received a $3000 New Colombo Plan mobility grant to support her participation on this program.

Q: Why did you decide to undertake the ACICIS program?

To learn a new language, experience a different cultural setting and to enhance my appreciation of Indonesian culture and its unique legal system.

Q: Did you receive a New Colombo Plan Mobility Grant? Do you think the NCP is an important initiative? If yes, why?

Yes. The opportunities that the NCP grants are invaluable to enhancing our understanding of the Indo-Pacific and strengthening the ties Australia has with Indonesia.

Q: How have you found the academic components of this virtual program – i.e. the language classes/seminars?

The language classes were enjoyable and the seminars provided rich insights from a local perspective.

Q: What organisation did you intern with? 

I interned with Reinhard and Partners, under the supervision of Mr Henry Thomas. I examined prominent public interest decisions made by the Mahkamah Konstitusi (Indonesian Constitutional Court) and wrote an analysis about each of them.

Q: How have you found the work culture (albeit online) of your host organisation? How is it different to work experience in Australia?

I found that the work culture wasn’t so different from what I’m familiar with here in Australia. There were certaintly some language barrier issues but nothing too major to hinder our communication. I enjoyed the conversations and informal meetings with my supervisor and colleagues.

Q: What are the main skills you have learnt during your virtual internship?


Q: What did you find to be the most rewarding part of this virtual experience?

Learning about the smaller details of Indonesian culture. For example, phrases like ‘selamat petang’, which is more of a colloquial way of saying good afternoon. Or learning that the village school kids that my supervisor worked with in a program were truly fascinated by online learning during the lockdown.

Q: Were you able to learn about the Indonesian culture from this virtual program? If yes, how was this achieved?

Most definitely. Through the language classes, seminars and speeches given by local experts and public figures, chats with my supervisor, the virtual cooking class where the chef taught us how to make nasi tumpeng, the readings before class, the virtual tour around the Constitutional Court, class discussions… the list goes on.

Q: How will the virtual internship benefit or influence your future career?

It has given me a much broader appreciation about Indonesian culture, people, and legal system. The program has inspired me to consider more about cross-cultural career paths.

Q: Would you recommend this virtual program to your friends?

Yes if they’re willing to gain new experiences and let go of cultural assumptions.

Q: Favourite Indonesian word/phrase:

Kerluarga – family

Sama sama – you’re welcome

Kucing-kucing – cats

Q: Describe your experience of the virtual internship program in three words:

Wholesome, challenging, enriching.