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Journalism Professional Practicum 2017 Student Feedback

With applications closing soon for ACICIS' 2018 Journalism Professional Practicum (JPP), we thought you might be interested in the student feedback from the 2017 JPP. The data below is a snapshot of the feedback and opinions provided by students who completed the JPP in January - February this year. [...]

August 28th, 2017|Categories: General News, News|

Public Health Study Tour 2016 Student Feedback

While the ACICIS Secretariat is busy recruiting students for the Public Health Study Tour (PHST) 2017 intake, we thought you might be interested in the student feedback from our pilot iteration of the tour in November-December 2016.  The data below is a snapshot of the feedback and opinions provided by [...]

March 13th, 2017|Categories: General News|

August 2016 Semester 43 Semester Program Student Feedback

While the ACICIS Secretariat is busy recruiting students for the August 2017 (Semester 45) intake of ACICIS’ semester programs, we thought you might be interested in the student feedback from our Semester 43 (August-December 2016)*. The data below is a snapshot of the feedback and opinions provided by students who completed the [...]

February 28th, 2017|Categories: General News|

February 2016 (Semester 42) Semester Program Student Feedback

While the ACICIS Secretariat is busy processing student applications for the February 2017 (Semester 44) intake of ACICIS’ semester programs, we thought you might be interested in the student feedback from our Semester 42 (February-July 2016)*. The data below is a snapshot of the feedback and opinions provided by students who completed the [...]

October 13th, 2016|Categories: General News|

August 2015 (Semester 41) Semester Program Student Feedback

Here is a snapshot of the feedback and opinions provided by students who completed ACICIS semester-long programs in Yogyakarta and Bandung in August-December 2015 (Semester 41).

June 1st, 2016|Categories: General News|

2016 Journalism Professional Practicum Student Feedback

With applications now open for ACICIS' 2017 Journalism Professional Practicum (JPP), here is a snapshot of the feedback and opinions provided by students who completed the Jakarta-based JPP in January - February this year.

May 27th, 2016|Categories: General News|

2016 Business Professional Practicum Student Feedback

With applications now open for ACICIS' 2017 Business Professional Practicum (BPP), here is a snapshot of the feedback and opinions provided by students who completed the Jakarta-based BPP in January - February this year.

May 27th, 2016|Categories: General News|

2016 Development Studies Professional Practicum Student Feedback

With applications now open for ACICIS' 2017 Development Studies Professional Practicum (DSPP), here is a snapshot of the feedback and opinions provided by students who completed the Jakarta-based DSPP in January - February this year.

May 26th, 2016|Categories: General News|

The Wrap Up: DSPP (January 2024)

What Students Did, Thought & Their Feedback “A pivotal experience that has instilled in me a deep love of Indonesia, facilitated the creation of lifelong friendships, and will be the foundation of my future research and career.” Anonymous respondent in the Student Feedback Survey Earlier this year, [...]

April 4th, 2024|Categories: General News, News|

The Wrap Up: JPP (January 2024)

What Students Did, Thought & Their Feedback “The most life changing career impactful experience you could jam into 6 weeks probably anywhere in the world.” Anonymous respondent in the Student Feedback Survey ACICIS started the year delightfully by welcoming 10 students from 8 Australian universities and 1 [...]

April 4th, 2024|Categories: General News, News|