Sentra Advokasi Perempuan, Difabel dan Anak (SAPDA: Advocacy Centre for the Disabled, Women, and Children) was established in 2005 to create an inclusiveness in the social environment in Indonesia, which they believe to be the basic rights and equality for women, the disabled, women, and children, particularly in education, health, and employment. SAPDA focuses on the policy advocacy, particularly in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. Their main activities include:
- Research;
- Fighting for public policies that guarantee the fulfillment of basic rights for women, the disabled, and children in the areas of education, health, and employment;
- Empowerment, education, and advocacy programs directed to the public on issues regarding women, the disabled, and children;
- Building engagements with stakeholders in regards to managing issues on women, the disabled, and children;
- Providing crisis centre for women, the disabled, and children.
- Recommendation Letter from your host university.
- Your most current CV.
- An expression of interest detailing your background and your development placement goals and plans.
- Consultation with the Dinas Sosial (Social Services) Yogyakarta office.
- Background in organisation, IT, and media.
Intern Duties
- Research and/or field research.
- Information Technology.
- Capacity building.
Work Hours
Monday to Friday, 9.00-17.00.
Komplek BNI No. 25 Patangpuluhan
Wirobrajan,Yogyakarta, Indonesia 55252