PEKKA Pemberdayaan Perempuan Kepala Keluarga (Women-Headed Household Empowerment) was spearheaded in late 2000 as part of Komnas Perempuan’s initial plan to document the lives of widows in conflict-ridden areas, and the World Bank’s intention – through the sub-district development program (Program Pengembangan Kecamatan or PPK) – to address the pressing needs of widows of the conflict in Aceh in accessing much-needed resources in order to better cope with their economic hardships and traumatic experiences. This initiative was known as the “Widows Project”


PEKKA has a vision of empowering female heads of household in order to contribute to building a prosperous, gender-fair and dignified society.


  • Improving the standard of living and welfare of PEKKA women
  • Opening PEKKA’s access to various livelihood resources
  • Membangun kesadaran kritis Pekka baik terhadap  kesetaraan peran, posisi, dan  status mereka, maupun terhadap kehidupan sosial politiknya.
  • Build Pekka’s critical awareness of the equality of their roles, positions and status, as well as their social and political life.
  • Increasing Pekka’s control of the decision making process starting at the household to the state level


Jalan Pangkalan Jati V No.3, RT.11/RW.5,
Cipinang Melayu, Makasar, Kota Jakarta Timur,
Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 13620
E: seknas@pekka.or.id