International Relations Program

Numan Seyit is an ACICIS Semester 58 student from Monash University. He is studying a Bachelor of Global Studies (International Studies). Numan undertook the International Relations Program for one semester at Parahyangan Catholic University from February until July 2024.

Q: Why did you decide to undertake ACICIS’ International Relations Program (IRP) ?

I wanted to realise my full potential as an international student, learn new ways to connect around the world, and pick up a new skill in language learning.

Q: What classes/units are you currently enrolled in? (List and brief description)

International Political Economy – Exploring Indonesia’s economic relations with other countries,
particularly, China and America.
Global/International Politics – Discussing the political state of countries, not only Indonesia, but how their
relations affect their politics.
Indonesia’s Foreign Policy – Exploring how Indonesian political relations relates to the rest of the world.

Q: Are you involved in any clubs/societies at the universities? (List and brief description)

Yes, I was involved in Satre (Litre and Theatre) which was fun. I got to perform a monologue.

Q: Did you undertake an internship or volunteering while in Bandung? (If yes, please provide a brief description on what organisation you are interning with, and what tasks you are undertaking and overall, how you are finding the internship).

Yes, I did, with AKATIGA, a social analysis NFP organisation. They helped me understand the social and financial well-being of Indonesians, with a focus on young farmers throughout the country.

Q: How will the knowledge and experience of International Relations gained through this program influence your future career or study?

Learning international relations are always useful to use with regards to politics.

Q: What do you like to do in your spare time in Bandung?

I like to hang out with friends, volunteer at the masjid teaching little kids Quran, and go bike riding (cycling) long distance.

Q: Favourite Indonesian food/ favourite place to eat:

Beef rendang. Favourite cafe is sejiwa.

Q: Favourite Indonesian word/phrase:

Santai and Semangat.

Q: What places in Indonesia have you visited during your Semester so far?

Jakarta and Jogjakarta.