

The Wrap Up: APP (January-February 2023)

What Students Did, Thought & Their Feedback “6 beautiful weeks of learning and laughing and broadening my worldly perspective of agriculture-truly a worthwhile adventure into the unknown.” Anonymous respondent in the Student Feedback Survey ACICIS was thrilled to welcome 14 students from 8 Australian  universities for our Agriculture Professional [...]

May 23rd, 2023|Categories: General News, News|

The Wrap Up: BPP (January-February 2023)

What Students Did, Thought & Their Feedback “So much experience and knowledge gained in such a short amount of time, loved it!” Anonymous respondent in the Student Feedback Survey ACICIS was thrilled to welcome 7 students from 5 Australian universities for our Business Professional Practicum in Indonesia in January-February [...]

May 23rd, 2023|Categories: General News, News|

The Wrap Up: CADPP (January-February 2023)

What Students Did, Thought & Their Feedback “The experience has taught me that no matter what language you speak, art and design are something we can all understand.” Anonymous respondent in the Student Feedback Survey ACICIS was thrilled to welcome 6 students from 3 Australian universities for our Creative [...]

May 23rd, 2023|Categories: General News, News|

The Wrap Up: DSPP (January-February 2023)

What Students Did, Thought & Their Feedback “DSPP was a great way to immerse myself in the industry, in a new cultural context, and amongst wonderful new friends.” Anonymous respondent in the Student Feedback Survey ACICIS was thrilled to welcome 18 students from 8 Australian universities for our Development [...]

May 23rd, 2023|Categories: General News, News|

The Wrap Up: JPP (January-February 2023)

What Students Did, Thought & Their Feedback “An opportunity that has enhanced my professional confidence and self-assurance; filled my contact book; brought me a network of kind-hearted new friends, and opened my mind to the world and the possibilities that await.” Anonymous respondent in the Student Feedback Survey ACICIS [...]

May 23rd, 2023|Categories: General News, News|

The Wrap Up: LPP (January-February 2023)

What Students Did, Thought & Their Feedback “A social and professional immersion into a beautiful country, with a beautiful culture & people.” Anonymous respondent in the Student Feedback Survey ACICIS was thrilled to welcome 31 students from 9 Australian  universities for our Law Professional Practicum (LPP) in Indonesia in [...]

May 23rd, 2023|Categories: General News, News|

The Wrap Up: STPP(January-February 2023)

What Students Did & Thought “Eye-opening and a once in a life time experience” Anonymous respondent in the Student Feedback Survey ACICIS was thrilled to welcome 1 student from the University of Queensland for the Sustainable Tourism Professional Practicum in Jakarta, Indonesia in January-February 2023. This is the [...]

May 23rd, 2023|Categories: General News, News|

ACICIS Campus Ambassador Program 2023

The Australian Consortium for ‘In-Country’ Indonesian Studies (ACICIS) is very pleased to welcome 7 students from Australian National University, Flinders University, The University of Western Australia and The University of Melbourne as our 2023 ACICIS Campus Ambassadors. As ACICIS Campus Ambassadors, not only do they act as ACICIS representatives [...]

April 6th, 2023|Categories: Community News, General News, News|

Semester 56 Update

What have the ACICIS Semester 56 students been up to? Tak terasa waktu cepat berlalu or ‘how time flies’ in English - our Semester 56 students are already halfway through their programs! They have had an exciting and busy start to their international experience. Students attended their orientation and [...]

April 4th, 2023|Categories: Community News, General News, News|

The Wrap Up: ILSC (January-February 2023)

What Students Did & Thought “The ACICIS Indonesian Language Short Course was an invaluable immersion into Indonesian language and culture which I couldn't recommend enough” Anonymous respondent in the Student Feedback Survey ACICIS was thrilled to welcome 37 students from 10 Australian universities for the Indonesian Language Short Course [...]

March 30th, 2023|Categories: General News, News|