

Virtual Development Studies Professional Practicum Summer 2022 Student Feedback

ACICIS would like to share with you the student feedback from the Summer 2022 Virtual Development Studies Professional Practicum (DSPP). The data below is a snapshot of the feedback and opinions provided by students who completed the virtual DSPP in January – February this year. [...]

June 29th, 2022|Categories: General News, News|Tags: , |

Virtual Creative Arts & Design Professional Practicum Summer 2022 Student Feedback

ACICIS would like to share with you the student feedback from the Summer 2022 Virtual Creative Arts & Design Professional Practicum (CADPP). The data below is a snapshot of the feedback and opinions provided by students who completed the virtual CADPP in January – February this year. [...]

June 29th, 2022|Categories: General News, News|Tags: , , |

Virtual Agriculture Professional Practicum Summer 2022 Student Feedback

ACICIS would like to share with you the student feedback from the Summer 2022 Virtual Agriculture Professional Practicum (APP). The data below is a snapshot of the feedback and opinions provided by students who completed the virtual APP in January – February this year. [...]

June 29th, 2022|Categories: General News, News|Tags: , , |

ACICIS Virtual STPP: Wrap-Up (January-February 2022)

ACICIS Study Indonesia was excited to welcome three students on our Sustainable Tourism Professional Practicum (STPP) program in January-February 2022 which ran virtually for the first time. These students came from Murdoch University, The University of Western Australia, and University of Technology Sydney. All students completed the STPP with the assistance [...]

June 29th, 2022|Categories: Community News, News|

ACICIS Virtual LPP: Wrap-Up (January-February 2022)

ACICIS was pleased to host 33 students on the Virtual Summer Law Professional Practicum (LPP) from January to February 2022. The students came from eight Australian universities, including The Australian National University (ANU), Deakin University, Griffith University, La Trobe University, Monash University, Murdoch University, University of New South Wales (UNSW), and Western Sydney University (WSU). 30 students completed [...]

June 29th, 2022|Categories: Community News, News|

ACICIS Virtual JPP: Wrap-Up (January-February 2022)

In January 2022, ACICIS was delighted to welcome two students for our second Summer Virtual Journalism Professional Practicum (VJPP) program amidst the pandemic and ongoing international travel restrictions. This third cohort of Virtual JPP participants were from RMIT University and both students completed the virtual program with the $3,000 New [...]

June 29th, 2022|Categories: Community News, News|

Winter 2022 Virtual Professional Practicum Programs: Academic Program Officer

ACICIS is very excited to announce Pranoto Iskandar as the Academic Program Officer (APO) for the Winter 2022 iteration of the Virtual Professional Practicum programs. Pran was also appointed as our APO for the virtual programs in Summer and Winter 2021. Pran is the Founding Director of the Institute for [...]

June 28th, 2022|Categories: General News, News|

ACICIS Virtual Indonesian Language Short Course: Winter 2022: Participant Summary

ACICIS Study Indonesia is excited to announce the composition of the June-July 2022 intake of the consortium’s Virtual Indonesian Language Short Course (ILSC). 11 students from six ACICIS member universities will be undertaking 3 weeks of intensive Indonesian language training, delivered virtually by Satya Wacana University (UKSW), over the 2022 [...]

June 28th, 2022|Categories: General News, News|

ACICIS Semester Programs: August 2022 Intake: Participant Summary

ACICIS is delighted to be welcoming students back to Indonesia for the first time since March 2020!  There will be 37 students studying in Indonesia on ACICIS semester programs commencing in August 2022 (Semester 55). Of the 37 students undertaking study in Indonesia through ACICIS in the second half of 2022, 23 are [...]

June 28th, 2022|Categories: General News, News|

ACICIS Virtual Public Health Study Tour: July 2022: Participant Summary

ACICIS Virtual Public Health Study Tour: July 2022: Participant Summary ACICIS will welcome 18 students from six Australian universities to participate in the July 2022 intake of the consortium's Virtual Public Health Study Tour (PHST). Of the 18 students undertaking this virtual program, 15 are doing so with the assistance of New [...]

June 23rd, 2022|Categories: General News, News|