
Community News

ACICIS Virtual JPP: Wrap-Up (January-February 2021)

Earlier in 2021, ACICIS was delighted to welcome thirteen students on our first Virtual Journalism Professional Practicum (JPP) program amidst the pandemic and ongoing international travel restrictions. These students came from eight ACICIS member universities, including The University of Western Australia, The Australian National University, RMIT University, Western Sydney University, The University of Queensland, Monash University, The [...]

March 9th, 2021|Categories: Community News, News|

ACICIS Virtual DSPP: Wrap-Up (January-February 2021)

ACICIS Development Studies Professional Practicum (DSPP) ran virtually for the first time in January-February 2021. ACICIS Study Indonesia welcomed 28 students onto the Virtual DSPP program. The program combines an academic program consists of virtual seminar series and virtual field trips and integrated with a virtual professional placement within national [...]

March 8th, 2021|Categories: Community News, News|

Virtual Collaborations between Australian and Indonesian Students

ACICIS Virtual Public Health Study Tour (PHST) - December 2020 An important component of the ACICIS Public Health Study Tour (PHST), both the in-country tour and the virtual tour, are the collaborations between the Australian students and the Indonesian students who take part in the program as student buddies. [...]

February 26th, 2021|Categories: Community News, News|

ACICIS Virtual PHST: Wrap-Up (December 2020)

2020 was a challenging year, while the borders were still closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, ACICIS launched its very first virtual program in December 2020. 29 students from 8 Australian universities joined the two-week Virtual Public Health Study Tour (VPHST). 28 of 29 students who undertook the virtual program [...]

February 9th, 2021|Categories: Community News, News|Tags: |

ACICIS – Monash GIG Program 2020: Wrap-Up

Following the success of the pilot iteration of Monash Global Immersion Guarantee (GIG) at the beginning of 2019, Monash University’s Faculty of Arts in collaboration with ACICIS held GIG Block 2 in December 2019 and GIG Block 3 in January 2020. This is a fully-funded program, ground-breaking overseas study experience for [...]

April 30th, 2020|Categories: Community News, News|Tags: , , |

ACICIS DSPP: Wrap-Up (January-February 2020)

Early in January 2020, ACICIS Study Indonesia welcomed 24 students onto the Development Studies Professional Practicum (DSPP) in Yogyakarta. Participants came from various ACICIS’s member universities i.e., The Australian National University, Flinders University, La Trobe University, Monash University, Murdoch University, RMIT University, The University of Adelaide, The University of Queensland, [...]

April 21st, 2020|Categories: Community News, News|Tags: , , , , |

ACICIS CADPP: Wrap-Up (January-February 2020)

In early January 2020, ACICIS Study Indonesia was excited to welcome 14 students on our Creative Arts and Design Professional Practicum (CADPP) program. These students came from UNSW Sydney, Edith Cowan University, RMIT University, Murdoch University, The Australian National University, Charles Darwin University, and also some private applicants. Twelve students [...]

April 20th, 2020|Categories: Community News, News|Tags: , , |

ACICIS STPP: Wrap-Up (January-February 2020)

ACICIS Study Indonesia was excited to welcome twenty-two (22) students on our Sustainable Tourism Professional Practicum (STPP) program in January-February 2020. These students came from 8 ACICIS member universities, including Murdoch University, La Trobe University, The University of Adelaide, University of Technology Sydney, Deakin University, Griffith University, RMIT University, and [...]

April 17th, 2020|Categories: Community News, News|Tags: , |

ACICIS APP: Wrap-Up (January-February 2020)

ACICIS Study Indonesia was delighted to welcome second cohort of students on our Agriculture Professional Practicum (APP) in January-February 2020 since the program launched last year. We were very pleased to welcome 16 students from Charles Darwin University, The University of Western Australia, Murdoch University, The University of Melbourne, The [...]

April 8th, 2020|Categories: Community News, News|Tags: , , |

ACICIS JPP: Wrap-Up (January-February 2020)

At the beginning of 2020, ACICIS Study Indonesia was thrilled to welcome a total of 16 students to participate in our Journalism Professional Practicum Program (JPP). These students were welcomed to Jakarta from five Australian universities, including Monash University, RMIT University, the University of Sydney, University of South Australia and [...]

April 1st, 2020|Categories: Community News, News|Tags: , , , |