ACICIS is delighted to be welcoming students to Indonesia to undertake ACICIS semester programs. There will be 38 students from 13 Australian universities and two European universities studying in Indonesia commencing in July 2023 (Semester 57).

As per the below graph, we are delighted that the total number of participants in our semester programs in 2023 is getting closer to that in pre-pandemic times. Please note that in the graph, the number indicated in 2023  is the combination of the number of participants in both semester 1 (s56) and semester 2 (s57) 2023 programs.

We are hopeful to witness a growth in the number of participants in the next years. Applications for the Semester 1 2024 programs are still open and will due on 20 August. Please share with your students.

Of the 38 students undertaking study in Indonesia through ACICIS in the second half of 2023, 22 and 4 students will be doing so with the assistance of New Colombo Plan Mobility Grants and the New Colombo Plan Scholarships, respectively.

ACICIS will have three semester programs running in Yogyakarta next semester, namely the Flexible Language Immersion Program (FLIP) and Development Studies Immersion Program (DSIP) at Gadjah Mada University (UGM) and the Indonesian Business, Law and Society (IBLS) Program at Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII). In the next semester, for the very first time after the pandemic, two programs will be delivered again in Bandung: International Relations Program (IRP) and West Java Field Study (WJFS) at Parahyangan University (UnPar).

The composition of ACICIS’ July 2023 semester program intake by sending university is as follows:

University No. of Students
The Australian National University 6
Leiden University 5
The University of Western Australia 5
SOAS University of London 4
The University of Queensland 3
La Trobe University 2
Macquarie University 2
Monash University 2
RMIT University 2
Western Sydney University 2
Curtin University 1
Flinders University 1
Murdoch University 1
The University of New England 1
The University of Sydney 1
Total  38


The breakdown by program is as follows:

We would like to sincerely thank our consortium members, for the support in promoting ACICIS programs and assisting students with their applications this year. It has been an exciting and challenging year with tight deadlines and we are grateful for the ongoing support.

ACICIS also gratefully acknowledges the financial support it has received through the DFAT’s New Colombo Plan Mobility Program, which has partially underwritten the development of many ACICIS programs through the provision of student mobility grants.

Terima kasih banyak!

The ACICIS Study Indonesia Team