ACICIS is delighted to be welcoming 24 students from 9 Australian universities onto the Indonesian Language Short Course (ILSC) in Winter 2024. Even though the number of students participating in this program in 2024 is lower than that in 2023, we are hopeful that we will be able to recruit more students to participate in this program next year.

We would like to share as well that Round 2 applications for the Summer 2025 session are now open and will due in 11 August 2024 – please share with your students!

Of the 24 students undertaking study through ACICIS in winter 2024, 19 are doing so with the assistance of New Colombo Plan Mobility Grants and three students with the New Colombo Plan Scholarship. The breakdown of winter 2024 Indonesian Language Short Course students by sending university is as follows:

University No. of Students
The Australian National University 8
RMIT University 3
The University of Melbourne 3
The University of Newcastle 3
Monash University 2
The University of Western Australia 2
Deakin University 1
Flinders University 1
The University of Sydney 1
Total 24

We would like to sincerely thank our consortium members, for the support in promoting ACICIS programs and assisting students with their applications this year – we are grateful for the ongoing support!

ACICIS also gratefully acknowledges the financial support it has received through the Australian Government’s New Colombo Plan Mobility Program, which has partially underwritten the development of many ACICIS programs through the provision of student mobility grants.

Terima kasih banyak!

The ACICIS Study Indonesia Team