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So far Megan McPherson has created 629 blog entries.

ACICIS Development Studies Immersion Program: Seminar Series (Semester 42/Feb 2016)

Three students on Semester 42 (Feb 2016) Development Studies Immersion Program (DSIP) have completed the first six weeks of language tuition, seminar series and case studies. ACICIS recently introduced a new Professional Placement (internship) option for the DSIP students as an alternative option to the long standing Community Placement option. [...]

March 21st, 2016|Categories: Community News|

Advisory Panel for ACICIS Creative Arts & Design Professional Practicum

ACICIS is currently developing the Creative Arts and Design Professional Practicum (CADPP), a six-week intensive academic and vocational study program in Indonesia exposing Australian and international students to the vibrancy of contemporary Indonesian arts and design and cultural production. With the pilot program to run from January to February 2017 [...]

March 14th, 2016|Categories: General News|

Strengthening Old Ties and Forging New Partnerships

In the past few weeks, ACICIS Consortium Director Professor David T Hill AM returned to Indonesia to visit the growing “Keluarga ACICIS” team, and to meet with ACICIS partner universities. Professor Hill first arrived in Yogyakarta. A lot has changed since ACICIS started in 1995.

March 7th, 2016|Categories: General News|

Classes at UII

By Mercedes Whelan (Sem 40/Feb 2015) Murdoch University I decided to apply for the ACICIS Islamic Business, Law and Society (IBLS) Program after speaking to a friend from Murdoch who had participated in the program and loved it. As a young person growing up in WA, I was like many [...]

March 2nd, 2016|Categories: Semester Testimonials|

Unity in Diversity

By Kirby Taylor, (Semester 40/Feb 2015) Private Participant Living and studying in a bustling Indonesian city is something you cannot prepare for. As cliché as it might be, you really just have to be ready for anything, to expect the unexpected. It’s a generalisation but … Indonesian youth are always on [...]

March 1st, 2016|Categories: Semester Testimonials|

IBLS Testimony

By Mark (Semester 40/Feb 2015) Murdoch University Why Indonesia and not America or Europe you ask? To answer this question we need only consider that Indonesia is Australia’s largest neighbour, it has a rapidly emerging economy and a fascinating political past, which is still unfolding. It is no coincidence that [...]

February 29th, 2016|Categories: Semester Testimonials|

David Armstrong’s Contribution to ACICIS

Since ACICIS was established more than two decades ago, many people have contributed to its growth and success. But few more than our late colleague David Armstrong, our longest-serving ACICIS Secretariat administrative officer and manager, who passed away 12 months ago on 26 February 2015. I wanted to acknowledge publicly [...]

February 26th, 2016|Categories: Community News|

2017 NCP Member University Consultation

The guidelines for the 2017 Round of the New Colombo Plan (NCP) Mobility Program were released earlier this year. The New Colombo Plan is a signature initiative of the Australian Government which aims to lift knowledge of the Indo-Pacific in Australia by supporting Australian undergraduates to study and undertake internships in the region.

February 24th, 2016|Categories: General News|

SSEAC Students visit Yogyakarta

In early February, ACICIS assisted Sydney Southeast Asia Centre (SSEAC) at The University of Sydney to facilitate a New Colombo Plan funded Mobility Program ‘Cultural Industries in Central Java’ in Yogyakarta. The tour included 17 students from various disciplines such as Arts, Architecture, Media and Communications, and Language, accompanied by [...]

February 24th, 2016|Categories: Community News|

ACICIS 2016 Jakarta Professional Practica: Closing Ceremony

We would like to congratulate our students, staff, Program Officers, and Liaison Officers on the success of the Jakarta Professional Practica 2016! At the beginning of each year the Journalism Professional Practicum (JPP), Development Studies Professional Practicum (DSPP), and Business Professional Practicum (BPP) (our Jakarta Professional Practica) run for six [...]

February 17th, 2016|Categories: Community News|