

About Megan McPherson

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So far Megan McPherson has created 629 blog entries.

2016 Development Studies Professional Practicum Student Feedback

With applications now open for ACICIS' 2017 Development Studies Professional Practicum (DSPP), here is a snapshot of the feedback and opinions provided by students who completed the Jakarta-based DSPP in January - February this year.

May 26th, 2016|Categories: General News|

ACICIS West Java Field Study: Presentations (Semester 42/Feb 2016)

Five students on the ACICIS West Java Field Study Program (WJFS) at Universitas Parayangan (UNPAR) in Bandung (Semester 42/Feb 2016) completed their semester by giving their final presentations on their research topics. Read more about their presentations here.

May 25th, 2016|Categories: Community News, News|

Expressions of Interest: Tour Leader

In November-December 2016, ACICIS will launch its pilot iteration of the Public Health Study Tour (PHST), with support from the Australian Government’s New Colombo Plan (NCP). In order to deliver the pilot PHST, ACICIS is seeking Expressions of Interest (EOIs) from interested parties willing to be engaged in the role of PHST Tour Leader.

May 18th, 2016|Categories: General News|

Expressions of Interest: 2017 CADPP Program Officer

In order to establish and deliver the pilot Creative Arts & Design Professional Practicum (CADPP) program in 2017, ACICIS is seeking Expressions of Interest (EOIs) from interested parties willing to be engaged in the role of CADPP Program Officer (PO).

May 17th, 2016|Categories: General News|

ACICIS Yogyakarta: Fieldtrips (Semester 42/Feb 2016)

Each semester, ACICIS Yogyakarta organise field trips to ensure students make the most of their time in Indonesia. In Semester 42 (February-June 2016), ACICIS students visited Pantai Ngandong (Ngandong Beach) and Desa Wisata Kebon Agung (Kebon Agung Tourism Village).

May 17th, 2016|Categories: Community News|

ACICIS at PerthUSAsia’s Event: In The Zone 2016

ACICIS was delighted to attend the PerthUSAsia Centre’s annual ‘In The Zone’ event on Saturday 14 May 2016, in Jakarta. With a focus on food sustainability and resource sharing in the region, the ‘Feeding the Zone’ theme raised important questions on how Australia and Indonesia can work together to respond to [...]

May 16th, 2016|Categories: General News, News|

Learning Across Borders

By Theodore Craig-Piper (Sem 42/Feb 2016) Murdoch University Late this January I arrived in Jogja with little more than my clothes, vitamin pills and the few basic but crucial Indonesian phrases I had made myself learn before flying out from Perth. I carried with me at once both a burning [...]

May 11th, 2016|Categories: Semester Testimonials|

Work-Life Balance in Jakarta

By Ashleigh McFarland, BPP 2016 Griffith University Participating in the Business Professional Practicum program with ACICIS in Indonesia allowed me to travel to a new part of the world while getting professional experience, but also be accredited towards my degree. The adventure did a lot more than this though, I returned [...]

May 10th, 2016|Categories: Practicum Testimonials|

Placement at Business Consultancy Firm

By Jordan Brown, BPP 2016 Monash University After spending four months in Yogyakarta as a part of the Development Studies Immersion Program (DSIP), I decided that signing up for another six weeks in Indonesia's hustlin' and bustlin' capital, Jakarta, as part of the Business Professional Practicum was a good enough excuse [...]

May 5th, 2016|Categories: Practicum Testimonials|

Professional Placement at International Magazine

By Brooke Grebert-Craig, JPP 2016 Swinburne University For six weeks in Indonesia I completed my internship at DestinAsian which is a travel and lifestyle magazine that is distributed in the Asia-Pacific region. Initially I was extremely anxious about venturing into my first internship at an international magazine however I was comforted by [...]

May 5th, 2016|Categories: Practicum Testimonials|