

About Megan McPherson

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So far Megan McPherson has created 629 blog entries.

Student Profile: Demi Thackrah (Sem 46/January 2018)

Indonesian Business, Law and Society Demi Thackrah is a New Colombo Plan Mobility Grant recipient from Murdoch University. Demi completed ACICIS' Indonesian Business, Law and Society Program at the Islamic University of Indonesia in January-June 2018, and also received a New Colombo Plan Internship Grant to support her throughout her international [...]

July 30th, 2018|Categories: Semester Profiles|Tags: , , |

ACICIS Announces Appointment of New Consortium Director

PERTH – Monday, 30 July 2018. Mr Liam Prince has been appointed the new Consortium Director of the Australian Consortium for ‘In-Country’ Indonesian Studies (known as ACICIS Study Indonesia), Australia’s oldest and most successful university collaboration facilitating student mobility into Indonesia. Speaking from Jakarta, Associate Professor David Bourchier, Chair of ACICIS’ [...]

July 30th, 2018|Categories: General News|

ACICIS August 2018 Semester Program Intake

ACICIS Study Indonesia is excited to announce the size and composition of the consortium’s August 2018 semester program intake. In total, there will be 51 students from nineteen Australian universities and one international university (Leiden University) undertaking a semester (or more) of study in Indonesia in the second half of 2018.  These [...]

July 11th, 2018|Categories: General News|

ACICIS DSIP: Wrap-Up (Semester 46/January 2018)

In Semester 46, we welcomed 15 students on the ACICIS Development Studies Immersion Program (DSIP), 13 of which undertook the program with the support of the Australian Government’s New Colombo Plan grant initiative. Students began the semester with six weeks of intensive Indonesian language study at Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) and [...]

July 10th, 2018|Categories: Community News|

ACICIS announces Host University for the Agriculture Professional Practicum

Bogor Agricultural University to host new ACICIS Agriculture Professional Practicum ACICIS Study Indonesia is pleased to announce Bogor Agricultural University (Institut Pertanian Bogor – IPB) as the host of ACICIS’ Agriculture Professional Practicum (APP) which will pilot in January 2019. IPB first partnered with ACICIS in 2016 to host the [...]

July 4th, 2018|Categories: General News|

Nayaka Imaddudin Abdus Salam

Nayaka Imaddudin Abdus Salam Marketing and Student Recruitment Officer Nayaka Imaddudin Abdus Salam (Nayo) holds a degree in International Marketing with a Bachelor of Economics from University of Gadjah Mada. […]

June 27th, 2018|Categories: ACICIS Staff, Yogyakarta|

Bernadetta Handayani

Bernadetta Handayani Program Coordinator Bernadetta Handayani (Yani) is the ACICIS Program Coordinator. Yani graduated from Atma Jaya Catholic University majoring in Hospitality and Tourism. […]

June 27th, 2018|Categories: ACICIS Staff, Jakarta|

Dani Karuniawan

Dani Karuniawan Program Coordinator Dani Karuniawan (Dani) holds a degree in English Language Education from Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa University, Yogyakarta. […]

June 27th, 2018|Categories: ACICIS Staff, Yogyakarta|

Ida Kusuma Astuti

Ida Kusuma Astuti Finance and Administration Manager Ida Kusuma Astuti (Ida) joined ACICIS as Assistant Office Manager in January 2016. Ida holds a Bachelor Degree in Management from the Faculty of Economics of Atma Jaya Yogyakarta University in 2013. […]

June 27th, 2018|Categories: ACICIS Staff, Yogyakarta|

Sherly Rosa Senja

Sherly Rosa Senja Project Development Manager Sherly Rosa Senja (Sherly) re-joined ACICIS’s Yogyakarta team as Yogyakarta Program Coordinator in 2016 after finishing her MA in Applied Linguistics for TESOL from Durham University, England and is now the Project Development Manager. […]

June 27th, 2018|Categories: ACICIS Staff, Yogyakarta|