

Dr Pratiwi Utami

Dr Pratiwi Utami Journalism Professional Practicum (JPP) Academic Program Officer Pratiwi Utami (Tiwi) is the Academic Project Officer for the 2024 Journalism Practicum Program (JPP). Currently, she is a casual Teaching Associate at the Master of Public Policy and Academic Program within the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences at Universitas Gadjah Mada. Previously, Tiwi worked as a Teaching Associate at Monash University’s School of Media, Film, and Journalism. She also has extensive experience in publishing industry, having serves as an editor for Bentang Pustaka and Galangpress Publisher Yogyakarta, where she edited over 120 books. […]

October 11th, 2023|Categories: ACICIS Staff, Sessional Staff|

Ms Dyah Pandam Mitayani

Ms Dyah Pandam Mitayani Creative Arts and Design Professional Practicum (CADPP) Academic Program Officer The CADPP Academic Program Officer for Summer 2024 is Ms Dyah Pandam Mitayani. Dyah Pandam Mitayani (Mita) is an education and design specialist. She holds a Master of Arts in Education and Cultural Settings from King’s College London. With a background in curating and program management, Mita has extensive experience in designing exhibitions and educational programs for arts and cultural institutions. […]

October 11th, 2023|Categories: ACICIS Staff, Sessional Staff|

Dr Rosdiana Sijabat

Dr Rosdiana Sijabat Business Professional Practicum (BPP) Academic Program Officer The BPP Academic Program Officer for Summer 2024 is Dr Rosdiana Sijabat. Rosdiana Sijabat is a senior lecturer in the Department of Business Administration at Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia in Jakarta. Prior to this, she was a researcher at the Center for Public Policy Economic Studies and the Center for Asia Pacific Studies and USAID Projects at Gadjah Mada University. Rosdiana earned a Doctor of Philosophy degree from Flinders University in Australia and successfully attained a Bachelor’s degree (with honors) and a Master’s in economics from Gadjah Mada University in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. […]

October 11th, 2023|Categories: ACICIS Staff, Sessional Staff|

Ms Rara Dewayanti

Ms Rara Dewayanti Agriculture Professional Practicum (APP) Academic Program Officer The APP Academic Program Officer for Summer 2024 is Ms Rara Dewayanti. Rara is an Agricultural Professional with more than 20 years of working experience in agribusiness within various sectors. She currently works as South East Asia principal consultant at GMBS, an Agro-food Business Development Agency, based in the Netherlands. She is also a market expert for Centre for the Promotion of Imports from Developing Countries (CBI). […]

October 9th, 2023|Categories: ACICIS Staff, Sessional Staff|

Salsabilla Dwi Putri Perbatas

Salsabilla Dwi Putri Perbatas Program Assistant Salsabilla Dwi Putri Perbatas (Salsa) is an ACICIS Program Assistant. […]

June 23rd, 2023|Categories: ACICIS Staff, Bandung|

Yensan Theresa

Yensan Theresa Graphic Design and Digital Media Officer Yensan Theresa joined ACICIS as the Graphic Designer and Digital Media Officer in May 2023. Yensan holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Digital Media Communications and Advertising from LSPR Jakarta in 2018. During her studies, Yensan joined the student club LSPR Advertising Society as the club president and LSPR Climate Change Champion Club (4C) as a part of the communication team. […]

May 12th, 2023|Categories: Yogyakarta|

Gotong Royong in Learning Bahasa Indonesia

As an Indonesian, my initial thought was, why would Australians need to learn Bahasa Indonesia? Wouldn’t it be easier if I just communicate with them in English? Though my way of thinking was dead wrong. It turns out that Australians need to learn Bahasa Indonesia, like Indonesians need to learn [...]

November 30th, 2022|Categories: FA, General News, News|

Fascinated by Gamelan

This is a story of an ACICIS student who is fascinated by a traditional instrumental ensemble of Indonesia — gamelan. Alexandre Jeanson is currently in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, undertaking Flexible Language Immersion Program (FLIP), a semester-long program in which students can choose a mix of Indonesian language classes and other regular [...]

September 19th, 2022|Categories: Community News, FA, General News, News|Tags: , , , |

Dhira Rozaandiar

Dhira Rozaandiar Student Administration Officer Dhira joins ACICIS as a Program Assistant in 2022 to assist with Tours and Intensive Programs. Dhira holds a Bachelor of Letters from Sanata Dharma University (USD). During his final year, Dhira participated in a one-semester exchange program at Handong Global University, the Republic of Korea, in which he was fully immersed in Korean culture, language, and society. […]

September 7th, 2022|Categories: ACICIS Staff, Yogyakarta|

Michelle Tjugito

Michelle Tjugito Program Assistant Michelle joins ACICIS as a Program Assistant to assist with the Professional Practicum programs in Jakarta. Michelle earned her Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology from Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia. From the beginning, she gradually developed her expertise in indigenous, marginalised, and heterogeneous communities. […]

September 7th, 2022|Categories: ACICIS Staff, Jakarta|