The Pidato Antarabangsa Bahasa Melayu (PABM) competition is a Malaysian-Indonesian language public speaking competition held in Kuala Lumpur each year. The top 20 students in the Indonesian/Malaysian language in the world go and compete against one another in a public speaking competition.

In 2016, two ACICIS alumni are competing in PABM – Priscilla Rasyid (Semester 41/August 2015) representing the Netherlands and Rebecca Lawrence (Semester 38/February 2014) is representing Australia.

Priscilla made it into the top 10 contestants, and Rebecca Lawrence advanced to the final 5 competitors and gave a speech about bilateral trade between Australia and Malaysia. The event is widely covered by Malaysian and Indonesian Media with both ACICIS alumni being mentioned by Bharaian, Utusan, and My News Hub.

A few other ACICIS alumni have participated in this contest in the past. At the 2015 PABM, Emma Roberts (Semester 39/Aug 2014) and Wyatt Gordon (Semester 33/Aug 2011).

In 2013, Courtney Saville (Semester 27/Aug 2008) wrote an AIYA blog post about her PABM experience.

Here are a few more videos of other ACICIS Alumni that have also participated in PABM in recent years:

Ayleen O’Hanlon (Semester 25/Aug 2007)
Sally Hill (Semester 27/Aug 2008)
Genevieve Woods (Semester 31/Aug 2010)
Rennie Roos (Semester 33/Aug 2011)