What Students Did, Thought & Their Feedback

A rewarding and intense opportunity of a lifetime, that I will never forget.

Anonymous respondent in the Student Feedback Survey

Earlier this year, ACICIS welcomed 11 participants from 7 Australian universities to the Summer 2024 Creative Arts & Design Professional Practicum (CADPP). This program provided them with hands-on experience in the field of contemporary of Indonesian arts and cultural production and allowed them to gain practical knowledge about the industry. Most of the students received $4,000 New Colombo Plan mobility grants, which made their participation more accessible. You can read the full summary here.

Upon completing their program in Indonesia, ACICIS students are invited to provide anonymous feedback through a survey to share insights into their ACICIS experience.

All CADPP Summer 2024 students were contacted, and 10 out of 11 students (91%) responded to our survey. 

With this participation rate, the survey is considered both relevant and sufficiently representative of the sentiments and perspectives of the student cohort.

100 % of respondents said they would recommend ACICIS’ Creative Arts & Design Professional Practicum to other students at their university!

Dive into Oliver Lucas’ six week journey when undertaking our Creative Arts & Design program in his LinkedIn post. But that’s not all –  Also, check out one of Oliver’s projects during his internship with our esteemed host organisation, Ou Creative as part of the Future Creative Network (FCN). Please click on the images to access the respective LinkedIn post and the project.

Read through perspectives, stories and messages shared by Oliver Lucas from RMIT University who undertake the Bachelor of Design (Communication) below.

We look forward to the next iteration of the Creative Arts & Design Professional Practicum (CADPP) in January 2025!

Should you have any questions regarding the above, please contact the secretariat at enquiries@acicis.edu.au or on (08) 6488 6675.

The ACICIS Study Indonesia Team