Business Professional Practicum

Elise Hernandez was a participant in the 2019 Business Professional Practicum from the Queensland University of Technology. Elise is studying a Bachelor of Business (Accounting) and Bachelor of Behavioural Science (Psychology).

Q: Why did you decide to undertake ACICIS’ Business Professional Practicum?

I decided to join the ACICIS practicum as I thought it was the perfect opportunity to help fulfil my goals of being able to gain practical experience in a financial environment whilst also stepping out of my comfort-zone by travelling solo and immersing myself in a different culture. The fact that Indonesia has the largest economy in Southeast Asia and is an emerging market economy also attracted me to complete the work placement and help build a connection with Australia’s neighbouring country.

Q: How will the Business Professional Practicum benefit or influence your future career?

The Business Professional Practicum has provided me with an abundance of knowledge of the business world through all the seminars, field trip and work placement opportunities. It has helped broaden my insights into the future of business and its impact on economies and societies on a global scale. Furthermore, the work placement internship provided me with invaluable experiences which helped develop both my interpersonal and technical skills that I can apply to my future career aspirations in Accounting.

Q: Which organisation did you intern with? What were your responsibilities? 

I interned at Bank Syariah Mandiri – Indonesia’s largest Syariah Bank. There, I had the opportunity to learn about the operations of all divisions of the bank and the specific principles of Syariah banking, attend field trips to meet clients and see their CSR projects, as well as complete projects with my fellow internees. It was the company’s first time partnering with ACICIS and I think they provided such a fun and structured learning experience that I will always remember.

Q: How did you find the work culture of your host organisation? How was it different to work experience in Australia?

The work culture was completely different to my knowledge of work environments in Australia. Although there is team work in my previous roles, I found that it was so easy to connect with my mentors and there was a strong sense of family amongst the employees at Bank Syariah Mandiri. The difference in culture of it being an Islamic business was also such an eye-opening experience and it was clear that the Syariah principle of treating others ethically was practised throughout the workplace.

Q: Would you like to return to work in Indonesia again in future?

Yes, given the right circumstances

Q: What do you like to do in your spare time in Indonesia?

Meet new people, travel, eat, repeat.

Q: Favourite Indonesian food?

Favourite place: Any street food when I’m feeling adventurous or Remboelan at Grand Indonesia!

Favourite food: Anything with nasi and sambal

Q: Favourite Indonesian word/phrase?

Tidak apa-apa! Or Ayo Makan!

Q: What places in Indonesia have you visited during your practicum so far?

Bogor, Bandung, Yogyakarta and Banyuwangi (Mt. Ijen) – every place I visited was stunning and had some of the best scenery I’ve ever seen!