What Students Did, Thought & Their Feedback

My experience in the Public Health Study Tour was enriching and eye-opening, providing hands-on insights into local health practices, cultural dynamics, and collaborative efforts in improving community health.

Anonymous respondent in the Student Feedback Survey

ACICIS was delighted to have hosted 34 students from eight Australian universities in our Public Health Study Tour in Indonesia in July 2024. It is great to see that we received positive feedback and appreciation the students have shared about our program. Notably, 28 out of the 34 students were recipients of the prestigious New Colombo Plan (NCP) mobility grants from the Australian Government. You can read the detailed wrap-up of this Winter 2024 Tour here.

Upon completing the program, students are invited to partake in an anonymous survey aimed at obtaining constructive feedback regarding their ACICIS experience in the Tour. 33 out of the 34 participants (97%) shared their insights through the survey. The following snapshots captures the insightful and valuable feedback we have received.

100 % of respondents said they would recommend ACICIS to other students at their university!

Below are insightful stories and experiences shared by some of our students from the program.

Junette Sim is a Bachelor of Biomedical Science student from The University of Western Australia. The Public Health Study Tour has ignited a passion for public health, inspiring her to explore deeper into the field. Check out more of her profile here.

Breana O’Toole studies a Bachelor of Health Science at The Australian National University and she is one of the New Colombo Plan mobility grant recipients for this program. In this Tour, she learned about a broad range of public health issues both that she had  learned previously and she had not been familiar with before. She was introduced to stunting, malaria, tobacco control and food safety in this Tour. You can read more of her experience here.

Hammond Ng received a New Colombo Plan mobility grant for this program. He studies a Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Advanced Studies student at The University of Sydney. In this Tour , he highlighted that the field visit to Pusat Rehabilitasi YAKKUM (YAKKUM Rehabilitation Centre) is his favourite. Here, he was able to witness firsthand how organisations are trying to help individuals with disabilities reintegrate into society and fight the stigma surrounding disabilities through community-led initiatives. You can read more of his story here.

Hongjia Cui is a New Colombo Plan mobility grant recipient and a Bachelor of Advanced Science (Honours) student at The University of Queensland. In this Tour, he has gained more insights about public health issues such as gender-based violence and vector-borne diseases. He finds it interesting how Indonesia incorporates both cultural and social elements in their primary intervention efforts. You can read more of his experiences in his student profile here.

It is truly heartwarming to see how much students have enjoyed their time in the program in Indonesia. As our PHST Winter 2024 cohort embarks on their next journey at their home universities, we send them our best wishes in their future endeavours and sampai jumpa lagi!

We look forward to be welcoming students in the upcoming iteration of the Tour in Summer 2025.

Should you have any questions regarding the above, please contact the secretariat at enquiries@acicis.edu.au or on (08) 6488 6675.

The ACICIS Study Indonesia Team