In February 2024, as the new year brought fresh beginnings, the ACICIS Bandung International Relations Programme (IRP) warmly welcomed four new Australian students to Bandung. Supported by the New Colombo Plan (NCP), all four students embarked on a journey at Parahyangan Catholic University (UNPAR), immersing themselves in the vibrant Indonesian culture while studying in the infamous International Relations Study Program.

Active participation was a common theme among the group. Many are joining in volunteering programs with BIPA and UNPAR International Office, fostering cultural exchange and building lasting intercultural connections. Three of the students also partake in the IRP Internship Program where they focus on development and youth empowerment projects.

Throughout the semester, the students were not confined to the classroom alone. They took part in a variety of enriching experiences, such as a memorable field trip to Saung Udjo and Desa Obor Sukajaya, where they were introduced to the rich cultural and natural heritage of West Java.


Students also found inspiration during their trip around Indonesia. From Java Island to Lombok, they enjoyed the beautiful Indonesian nature and meeting the locals who welcomed them with open arms. The experiences they learned as they are blending passion with purpose are the best teachers they could’ve had.

Beyond these activities, the students built lasting relationships, not just with local friends but also with fellow international students, creating a diverse and supportive community that transcends borders.

As the semester draws to a close, we celebrate their achievements and the connections they’ve forged. We wish them all the best in their future endeavours and hope their time in Indonesia has been as transformative as it was memorable. Sampai jumpa!