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We are more than an exchange program—we are a community of leaders, teachers and learners who are passionate about expanding our horizons and enriching lives through study abroad experiences.

Reach out today and discover how Acicis can help you.

Perth, Australia

The Acicis Secretariat is open between 9am and 5pm Perth time (+8 hrs GMT). 

For general information about in-country study options, contact the Acicis Secretariat:
LOCATION The University of Western Australia
Hackett Annexe, Hackett Hall
(North end of Hackett Hall, next to Hackett Cafe)
POSTAL ADDRESS The University of Western Australia
(M363) 35 Stirling Highway

Perth WA 6009 Australia

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Contact Information
(M363) 35 Stirling Highway
Perth WA 6009 Australia
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