Vina AuliaVina Aulia

Student Administration Assistant

Vina Aulia (Vina) holds a bachelor’s degree in Cultural Anthropology from Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta. During her third year of study, Vina participated in an Erasmus Plus Exchange program at the University of Naples L’Orientale for one semester, where she gained cultural and study experiences in Italy.

Vina’s involvement with ACICIS began in 2022 as a student buddy for the Yogyakarta semester program. In the following year, she undertook an internship program in Yogyakarta. Then, in the middle of 2024, she rejoined ACICIS again as a Student Administration Assistant.

Apart from her work with ACICIS, Vina has experience working with several organizations, including Shape Your Life Indonesia, an educational organization that assists Indonesian students in pursuing their education. She also has an interest in gender studies, which led her to join Girl Up UGM and present her individual research on The Role of Military Wives in Indonesia during the ASEAS (the Association of Southeast Asian Studies) Conference in 2023.